based on OEF 8, page 167 - Savitch & Mock

Basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the metabolic rate required to provide the minimum amount of energy necessary for primary life processes of an organism. These life processes include breathing, heart rate, and all processes that continue at the cellular and tissue level during rest. We therefore speak of “resting metabolism,” or energy consumption at rest . The energy (in calories) required for basal metabolism can be estimated using the Harris-Benedict equation.

The BMR for men can be determined as follows: BMR = 66.4730 + (13.7516 x mass in kg) + (5.0033 x body length in cm) – (6.7550 x age in years)

The BMR for women can be determined as follows: BMR = 655.0955 + (9.5634 x mass in kg) + (1.8496 x body length in cm) – (4.6756 x age in years)

Write a program that determines how many chocolate bars (= 230 calories) a man and a woman should eat to maintain their weight given a given height in cm, a mass in kg and an age in years.


Three natural numbers representing weight (kg), height (cm) and age in years, respectively.


Two lines of the form: Een man moet dagelijks x chocoladerepen eten om zijn gewicht te behouden. Een vrouw moet dagelijks x chocoladerepen eten om haar gewicht te behouden.





Een man moet dagelijks 8.51316347826087 chocoladerepen eten om zijn gewicht te behouden.
Een vrouw moet dagelijks 7.281547391304347 chocoladerepen eten om haar gewicht te behouden.