An inverse number is an integer written with Arabic numerals, but of which the order of the digits is reversed. The first digit becomes the last digit, the second digit the last but one, and so on. For the integer 1245 the reciprocal number is, for example, 5421. Note that all zeroes are omitted. This means that when a number ends with one or more zeroes, these zeroes are lost upon reversing (for example, 1200 becomes 21). Also note that inverse numbers themselves never have zeroes at the end.

In this exercise we want to calculate with inverse numbers. Your task is to add up two inverse numbers and print the inverse sum to the output.


The input consists of $$t$$ test cases ($$t \leq 10.000$$). The first line of the input contains an integer $$t$$. Following are $$t$$ lines describing the different test cases. Each case is described by two integers separated by a space. These are the inverse numbers which need adding up.


Print the requested integer — the inverse sum of the two inverse numbers — for each case on a separate line. Make sure the leading zeroes are left out.



24 1
4358 754
305 794
