Suppose two persons independently evaluate the same exam. The first reports $$A$$ mistakes, the second reports $$B$$ mistakes, and $$C$$ mistakes are reported by both. How can you estimate how many errors remain undiscovered?

Agonía de la creación (Leonid Pasternak)

Let $$M$$ be the total number of mistakes in the exam. Then the number of mistakes that are undiscovered by the two persons is $$M - (A + B - C)$$. Let $$p$$ and $$q$$ be the probabilities that the first and second person, respectively, notice any given mistake. Then $$A \approx pM$$ and $$B \approx qM$$. And because they work independently, the chance that they both find a given mistake is $$C \approx pqM$$.

But now \[M = \frac{pM \times qM}{pqM} \approx \frac{AB}{C}\] and the number of mistakes that remain unnoticed is just \[M - (A + B - C) \approx \frac{AB}{C} - (A + B - C) = \frac{(A - C)(B - C)}{C}\,.\] This means that as long as the persons work independently, you can estimate the number of errors they've overlooked without even knowing how skillful they are. If they find a large number of mistakes in common but relatively few independently, then the exam is probably evaluated in a relatively correct way. But if they generate large independent lists of errors with few in common, there are probably many mistakes remaining to be found (which matches our intuition).


Three positive integers, each on a separate line, that indicate respectively the number of mistakes found by the first person, the number of mistakes found by the second person and the number of mistakes that are found by both.


The sentence

There are d.dd undiscovered errors.

where the fragment in italic has to be filled up with an estimate of the number of errors that remained undiscovered by both persons. This value must be represented as a floating point number with two decimal digits. Rounding must be used to determine the digits of the floating point number.





There are 0.80 undiscovered errors.



There have always been bad students. Here's what kids were writing on English exams 150 years ago:

word definition given by student
ABORIGINES a system of mountains
ALIAS a good man in the Bible
AMENABLE anything that is mean
AMMONIA the food of the gods
ASSIDUITY state of being an acid
AURIFEROUS pertaining to an orifice
CAPILLARY a little caterpillar
CORNIFEROUS rocks in which fossil corn is found
DEMAGOUE a vessel containing beer and other liquids
EMOLUMENT a headstone to a grave
EQUESTRIAN one who asks questions
EUCHARIST one who plays euchre
FRANCHISE anything belonging to the French
IDOLATER a very idle person
IPECAC a man who likes a good dinner
IRRIGATE to make fun of
MENDACIOUS what can be mended
MERCENARY one who feels for another
PARASITE a kind of umbrella
PARASITE the murder of an infant
PLAGIARIST a writer of plays
PUBLICAN a man who does his prayers in public
REPUBLICAN a sinner mentioned in the Bible
TENACIOUS ten acres of land

— From Mark Twain, "English as She Is Taught: Being Genuine Answers to Examination Questions in Our Public Schools", 1887. 2