Write a bash script that demonstrates the use of substitution operators :-, :=, and :? with command-line arguments. The script should:

Store the first, second, and third arguments in variables VAR1, VAR2, and VAR3, respectively.

Use the :- operator to provide a default value if the first argument ($VAR1) is not set.

Use the := operator to set the second argument ($VAR2) to a default value if it is not already set.

Use the :? operator to print an error message and exit if the third argument ($VAR3) is not set.

Due to limitations in the testing capabilities, to get a correct test result, the error for the :? operator should be generated on line 14 of the script.

Example Output:

$ ./substitution_ops.sh
Default value for first argument: default_value
Second argument is set to: default_value
./substitution_ops.sh: line 14: $VAR3: argument is not set
$ echo $?

$ ./substitution_ops.sh Hello World
Default value for first argument: Hello
Second argument is set to: World
./substitution_ops.sh: line 14: $VAR3: argument is not set
$ echo $?

$ ./substitution_ops.sh Hello World Test
Default value for first argument: Hello
Second argument is set to: World
Third argument is set to: Test
$ echo $?