Below you see the full data set ashina
(from the ISwR package). Convert this data set to the long format so the two vas
measurements become one variable called treat
. Call this data set ashina_long
(see help(ashina)
for more information on the data). vas.plac grp
1 -167 -102 1
2 -127 -39 1
3 -58 32 1
4 -103 28 1
5 -35 16 1
6 -164 -42 1
7 -3 -27 1
8 25 -30 1
9 -61 -47 1
10 -45 8 1
11 -38 12 2
12 29 11 2
13 2 -9 2
14 -18 -1 2
15 -74 3 2
16 -72 -36 2
(from: Dalgaard, 2008, Introductory Statistics with R, Springer)