In a game of word zippers, you get two words $$A$$ and $$C$$, and the aim is to place a new word $$B$$ in between those words. The word $$B$$ must be chosen so that the first two words $$AB$$ and the last two words $$BC$$ each form a new word again. The length of the word $$B$$ is also given. E.g. the four letter word type fits between the words hydro and writer, which results in the compound words hydrotype and typewriter.



>>> words = readWords('wordlist.txt')
>>> wordzippers('gyne-....-wrote', words)
>>> wordzippers('hydro-....-writer', words)
>>> wordzippers('java-.....-python', words)
>>> wordzippers('agit-....-wood', words)
>>> wordzippers('arch-...-thing', words)
>>> wordzippers('frog-...-puller', words)
>>> wordzippers('arche-....-wrote', words)