The 2024 European Championship is in full swing. The following assignment is based on the Sporza European Championship prediction contest and uses the match functions from the previous assignment.

Import the file so you can use the functions defined in this file.

Function add_match (2 points)

Define 2 global variables:

Define a function add_match with a match as a parameter (see Match assignment). If the match corresponds to a result, it will be added to the global variable RESULTS. If it is a prediction, the match will be added to the PREDICTIONS.

Function score_prediction (1 point)

Define a function score_prediction with as parameter a prediction. The function returns the points one gets for the prediction by searching the results for the corresponding result and then returning the points. If the match is not found, the function returns 0.

Function score_player (2 points)

Define a function score_player with as parameter the name of the player . The function returns the number of points a player has scored by adding up the points they have earned for each prediction.