Write a Tic-Tac-Toe program that allows two people to play the game against each other. In turn, ask each player which row and column they want to play. Make sure that the program checks if that row/column combination is empty. When a player has won, end the game. When the whole board is full and there is no winner, announce a draw.

This is a fairly long program to write (60 lines or so). It will definitely help to use some functions. I recommend that you create a function display\_board() that gets the board as parameter and displays it, a function getRowCol() that asks for a row or a column (depending on a parameter) and checks whether the user entered a legal value, and a function winner() that gets the board as argument and checks if there is a winner. Keep track of who the current player is using a global variable player that you can pass to a function as an argument if the function needs it. I also use a function opponent(), that takes the player as argument and returns the opponent. I use that to switch players after each move.

The main program will be something along the lines of (in pseudo-code):

display board
while True:
    ask for row
    ask for column
    if row/column combination already occupied:
        display error message
    place player marker on row/column combination
    display board
    if there is a winner:
        announce winner
    if the board is full:
        announce draw
    switch players