Implement a FruitBasket class. The FruitBasket contains fruit items, and it may contain a certain number of each item type. Keep it simple: store the fruit items as a dictionary, with the name of the fruit as key, and the quantity as value. For this exercise there is no need to limit what keys can be, anything can be the name of a fruit. Implement the __add__() method to add a piece of fruit to the basket (and it might be a good idea to also implement __iadd()__), and implement the __sub__() method to remove a piece of fruit from the basket (and __isub__() is a good candidate too). Implement the __contains__() method to check if a certain kind of fruit is in the basket. Also implement __getitem__() to check how much of a piece of fruit there is, __setitem__() to add a whole bunch of a piece of fruit at once, and __len__() to check how many different pieces of fruit there are in the basket. Note that when nothing more of a piece of fruit remains in the basket, you have to remove the key.