Setting Node Attributes

In this exercise, we will learn how to add attributes to the nodes of a network using the statnet package in R. Node attributes can provide additional information about the nodes in a network, such as their gender, age, or degree.

Adding Node Attributes

Suppose we have the network adjacency_network from exercise 2.11 and we have additional information about the gender of the network members. We can add this information as a node attribute using the set.vertex.attribute() function:

network::set.vertex.attribute(adjacency_network, "gender", c("F", "F","M", "F", "M"))

The network:: prefix is used to specify that the function is from the network package.

Adding Degree as an Attribute

We can also add the degree of each node as an attribute. The degree of a node is the number of edges connected to it. Here’s how to add the degree as an attribute called alldeg:

adjacency_network %v% "alldeg" <- sna::degree(adjacency_network)

We can check the attributes of a network using the list.vertex.attributes() function:

[1] "alldeg"       "gender"       "na"           "vertex.names"

Inspecting Attribute Values

We can inspect the values of an attribute in two ways. The first way is using the get.vertex.attribute() function:

get.vertex.attribute(net1, "gender")
"F" "F" "M" "F" "M"

The second way is using the %v% operator:

net1 %v% "alldeg"
[1] 2 4 4 1 1


In exercise 2.1, you created the network friends_network. Assume there is additional information about whether a person speaks Dutch, "D" or French, "F". Person 1 and 4 speak Dutch, while person 2, 3 and 5 speak French. Create an additional attribute called 'language'.

Assume that: