The elements of a list may be lists themselves (which also may contains lists, etcetera). This is a good way to create a matrix in a program. For instance, you can create a Tic-Tac-Toe board, where a dash (-) represents an empty cell, as follows:

board = [ ["-", "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-"] ]

The first row of the board is represented by board[0], the second row by board[1], and the third row by board[2]. If you want to access the first cell of the first row, that is board[0][0], the second cell is board[0][1] and the third cell is board[0][2]. For example, the following code places an “X” in the middle of the board, and an “O” in the upper right corner. It also displays the board in a nice way (with markers for rows and columns around it).

def display_board( b ):
    print( "  1 2 3" )
    for row in range( 3 ):
        print( row+1, end=" ")
        for col in range( 3 ):
            print( b[row][col], end=" " )

board = [ ["-", "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-"] ]
board[1][1] = "X"
board[0][2] = "O"
display_board( board )