The Earth Similarity Index (ESI) is a measurement that expresses the strength of the physical resemblance of a certain celestial body and the planet Earth. It is a scale that goes from zero (no resemblance) to one (absolute resemblance). The Earth itself of course has an ESI of 1,0. As a starting base for the calculation of the ESI, the de easy scale (ES) formula is used: \[ \textrm{ES} = \prod_{i=1}^{n}\left(1 - \left|\frac{o_i - r_i}{o_i + r_i}\right|\right)^{\frac{w_i}{n}} \] This formula expresses the resemblance of an object $$o$$ and a reference object $$r$$ based on the values for $$n$$ properties. The value of object $$o$$ for the $$i$$th property ($$1 \leq i \leq n$$) is represented in the formula as $$o_i$$, and for the reference object $$r$$ as $$r_i$$. The value $$w_i$$ is a weight exponent for the $$i$$th property, that can be used to express the importance of this property with regard to other properties.

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In spite of the fact that they differ in size and temperature, the earth-like planets in our solar system generally have a high Earth Similarity Index — from left to right we see Mercury (0,60), Venus (0,44), Earth (1,0) en Mars (0,70) represented on a scale.

When calculating the ESI, the average radius of the celestial body is taken into account, as well as its density, escape velocity and surface temperature. This list of properties, their reference values, and their weight exponents as they are used in calculating the ESI are in the table below.

property reference value weight exponent
average radius 1,0 $$\oplus$$ 0,57
density 1,0 $$\oplus$$ 1,07
escape velocity 1,0 $$\oplus$$ 0,70
surface temperature 288 K 5,58

Here, the symbol $$\oplus$$ represents earth unities. In order to distinguish the physical resemblance, the ESI is sometimes divided in two separate components — the interior ESI and the surface ESI. For the interior ESI, only the average radius and the density are brought into account, while the surface ESI only brings the escape velocity and the surface temperature into account.

ESI values between 0,8 and 1,0 correspond with earth-like planets with an earthly, rocky composition that are able to hold an atmosphere under moderate circumstances. According to this measurement, there are no other earth-like planets or moons to be found in our solar system. Mars has the second highest ESI (0,70) next to the Earth itself. However, a number of exoplanets have been discovered with ESI values that fit within the category of earth-like planets. The highest ESI known (0,92) was found for the recently discovered planet Gliese 581 g1.



>>> ES([1.36, 1.22, 1.51, 278.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 288.0])
>>> ES([1.36, 1.22, 1.51, 278.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 288.0], [0.57, 1.07, 0.70, 5.58])
>>> ES([1.36, 1.22, 1.51], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 288.0])
Traceback (most recent call last):
AssertionError: invalid arguments

>>> ESI(1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 288.0)         # Earth
>>> ESI(r=0.53, d=0.71)                  # Mars (interior ESI)
>>> ESI(v=0.38, t=440.0)                 # Mercury (surface ESI)
>>> ESI(t=278.0, v=1.51, d=1.22, r=1.36) # Gliese 581g
>>> ESI(d=1.22, r=1.36)                  # Gliese 581g (interior ESI)
>>> ESI(t=278.0, v=1.51)                 # Gliese 581g (surface ESI)
>>> ESI(r=0.27, d=0.60, t=220.0)         # Moon
Traceback (most recent call last):
AssertionError: invalid arguments
