STEP 3. General analysis

In a third cleaning step, we will only keep real views, called pageviews, and no images etc. We do this by looking for files with htm(l) in the filename. However, pdf can also be included.

all_logs_cl_3 <- all_logs_cl_2 %>% filter(str_detect(file_name, "htm") | file_name == "/") 

# A tibble: 30,571 x 11
   ip     file_name        status_code object_size origin       user_agent       data_origin time                 diff group
   <chr>  <chr>                  <int>       <int> <chr>        <chr>            <chr>       <dttm>              <dbl> <dbl>      <int>
 1 104.2~ GET /predictive~         200       12836 -            mozilla/5.0 (x1~ blog        2017-07-31 06:28:54     0     0        180
 2 104.2~ GET /predictive~         200       12836 -            mozilla/5.0 (x1~ blog        2017-07-31 06:37:28     0     0        180
 3 52.17~ GET /predictive~         200       12836 -            mozilla/5.0 (x1~ blog        2017-07-31 06:33:24     0     0        183
 4 5.248~ GET /predictive~         200       47401 http://www.~ mozilla/5.0 (wi~ blog        2017-07-31 07:03:01     0     0        306
 5 113.1~ GET /faq.htm HT~         200        4548 http://www.~ mozilla/5.0 (li~ mma         2017-07-31 07:04:20     0     0        308
 6 112.6~ GET /predictive~         200       14682 -            mozilla/5.0 (ma~ blog        2017-07-31 07:17:30     0     0        398
 7 112.6~ GET /predictive~         200       14681 -            mozilla/5.0 (ip~ blog        2017-07-31 07:17:33     0     0        398
 8 112.6~ GET /predictive~         200       14682 -            mozilla/5.0 (ma~ blog        2017-07-31 10:19:33     1     1        399
 9 112.6~ GET /predictive~         200       14681 -            mozilla/5.0 (ip~ blog        2017-07-31 10:19:35     0     1        399
10 112.6~ GET /predictive~         200       14682 -            mozilla/5.0 (ma~ blog        2017-07-31 15:17:24     1     2        400
# ... with 30,561 more rows

Next, we will calculate some general insights.

With only pageviews

viewWebpage2 <- all_logs_cl_3 %>% group_by(data_origin) %>% summarise(views = length(data_origin))
g2 <- ggplot(data = viewWebpage2, aes(x = data_origin, y = views))
g2 + geom_bar(stat = 'identity')


This shows that the blog probably contains more pictures that have to be loaded.

Exercise 1

Extract the pageviews from the logs data and store it as logs_cleaned3.

Exercise 2

Compute the number of unique visitors, the number of page views per visitor, and the views per webpage of the pageviews and store it as unique_visitors, page_views_per_visitor, and views_per_webpage, respectively.

To download the all_logs_ugent dataset click here1.

To download the logs dataset click here2.

Assume that: