You are probably familiar with the phenomenon of wind chill and would not be surprised to hear that there are several methods to determine the wind chill factor based on the temperature and the wind speed. One of those methods is the JAG/TI method (Joint Action Group on Weather Indices). This Canadian method incorporates a modern heat transfer theory. If the temperature in °C at 1.50 metres altitude is represented by $$T$$ and the mean wind speed in m/s at 10 metres altitude for the past ten minutes is represented by $$W$$, it is possible to determine the wind chill factor with the following formula: \[13.12 + 0.6215\,T + (0.3965\,T - 11.37)(3.6\,W)^{0.16}\]

The wind chill is felt by a healthy adult of average height who is walking. The sun is of no importance for the calculation, but does cause a warmer feeling than the actual wind chill factor. Walking with the wind in your back also changes the experience.


The input consists of the following real numbers, each on a separate line:


The output consists of one real number which reflects the wind chill factor according to the previous formula. There is no need for rounding off.




