A library assigns each of its books a code. This code consists of two integers (possibly with leading zeroes) separated by a hyphen. The first number indicates the serial number of the shelf where the book is located and the second number indicates the serial number of the book on that shelf.


The input consists of $$t$$ test cases ($$t \leq 10,000$$). The first line of the input contains an integer $$t$$. This is followed by $$t$$ lines that describe the various test cases. Each test case consists of exactly one code in the format described above.


Write a line for each test case, containing:

Shelf: x Serial number: y

$$x$$ and $$y$$ are the serial numbers of the shelf and the book, respectively. There is a single space after each colon (:). Then a fixed number of characters follow in which $$x$$ and $$y$$ should be displayed in that order. For $$x$$ three characters must be provided, and for $$y$$ 4 characters. After $$x$$ there are two spaces. If the serial number of the shelf or book contains leading zeroes these must be preserved in the output. If $$x$$ is shorter than three characters, or $$y$$ is shorter than 4 characters, then they should be aligned in the right side of the provided space.





Shelf:  10  Serial number:   12
Shelf: 0 Serial number: 0
Shelf: 14 Serial number: 14
Shelf: 07 Serial number: 024