The United States counts its citizens every ten years, and the result of that census is used to allocate the 435 congressional seats in the House of Representatives1 to the 50 states. Since 1940, that allocation has been done using a method devised by Edward Vermilye Huntington2 and Joseph Adna Hill3.

United States Census Bureau
Seal of the United States Census Bureau, which is part of the United States Department of Commerce.

The Huntington-Hill method4 begins by assigning one representative to each state. Then each of the remaining representatives is assigned to a state in a succession of rounds by computing \[g(n, p) = \frac{p}{\sqrt{n(n+1)}}\] for each state, where $$n$$ is the current number of representatives (initially 1) and $$p$$ is the population of the state. This way, the value $$g(n, p)$$ represents the state's population divided by the geometric mean5 of the current number of representatives and the number of representatives that the state would have if it was assigned the next representative. The geometric mean $$g(n, p)$$ is calculated for each state at each round and the next representative is assigned to the state with the highest geometric mean $$g(n, p)$$.

For instance, once each state has been assigned one representative, the geometric mean $$g(n, p)$$ for each state is its population divided the square root of 2. Since California has the biggest population, it gets the 51st representative. Then its geometric mean $$g(n, p)$$ is recalculated as its population divided by the square root of $$2 \times 3 = 6$$. In the second round the 52nd representative is assigned to Texas, which has the second-highest population, since it now has the largest geometric mean $$g(n, p)$$. This continues for $$435 - 50 = 385$$ rounds until all the representatives have been assigned.


We will work with comma-separated values files6 (CSV-files) that contain the results of one or more censuses. The first column contains the names of the regions (e.g. the states of the United States) whose population counts are reported. Each remaining column contains the population count per region for the census in the year indicated in the column header. As an example, here are the first few lines of such a CSV-file:


Your task:


In the following interactive session, we assume the CSV-file us_population.csv7 to be located in the current directory.

>>> us2010 = citizens(2010, 'us_population.csv8')
>>> us2010['Alabama']
>>> us2010['Hawaii']
>>> us2010['Wyoming']
>>> allocation(us2010, 435)
{'Alabama': 7, 'Alaska': 1, 'Arizona': 9, 'Arkansas': 4, 'California': 53, 'Colorado': 7, 'Connecticut': 5, 'Delaware': 1, 'Florida': 27, 'Georgia': 14, 'Hawaii': 2, 'Idaho': 2, 'Illinois': 18, 'Indiana': 9, 'Iowa': 4, 'Kansas': 4, 'Kentucky': 6, 'Louisiana': 6, 'Maine': 2, 'Maryland': 8, 'Massachusetts': 9, 'Michigan': 14, 'Minnesota': 8, 'Mississippi': 4, 'Missouri': 8, 'Montana': 1, 'Nebraska': 3, 'Nevada': 4, 'New Hampshire': 2, 'New Jersey': 12, 'New Mexico': 3, 'New York': 27, 'North Carolina': 13, 'North Dakota': 1, 'Ohio': 16, 'Oklahoma': 5, 'Oregon': 5, 'Pennsylvania': 18, 'Rhode Island': 2, 'South Carolina': 7, 'South Dakota': 1, 'Tennessee': 9, 'Texas': 36, 'Utah': 4, 'Vermont': 1, 'Virginia': 11, 'Washington': 10, 'West Virginia': 3, 'Wisconsin': 8, 'Wyoming': 1}
>>> allocation(us2010, 1024)
{'Alabama': 16, 'Alaska': 2, 'Arizona': 21, 'Arkansas': 10, 'California': 124, 'Colorado': 17, 'Connecticut': 12, 'Delaware': 3, 'Florida': 63, 'Georgia': 32, 'Hawaii': 5, 'Idaho': 5, 'Illinois': 43, 'Indiana': 22, 'Iowa': 10, 'Kansas': 9, 'Kentucky': 14, 'Louisiana': 15, 'Maine': 4, 'Maryland': 19, 'Massachusetts': 22, 'Michigan': 33, 'Minnesota': 18, 'Mississippi': 10, 'Missouri': 20, 'Montana': 3, 'Nebraska': 6, 'Nevada': 9, 'New Hampshire': 4, 'New Jersey': 29, 'New Mexico': 7, 'New York': 64, 'North Carolina': 32, 'North Dakota': 2, 'Ohio': 38, 'Oklahoma': 12, 'Oregon': 13, 'Pennsylvania': 42, 'Rhode Island': 4, 'South Carolina': 15, 'South Dakota': 3, 'Tennessee': 21, 'Texas': 84, 'Utah': 9, 'Vermont': 2, 'Virginia': 27, 'Washington': 22, 'West Virginia': 6, 'Wisconsin': 19, 'Wyoming': 2}
>>> allocation(us2010, 42)
Traceback (most recent call last):
AssertionError: too few representatives

>>> us1900 = citizens(1900, 'us_population.csv9')
Traceback (most recent call last):
AssertionError: no data available