Instead of repeating the same code over and over again we can also create a definition for a shape and reuse it. Here we define a branch of a snowflake and then use it six times with different rotations.

Drawing a branch of the snowflake

The branch is defined as a path. Earlier we already covered how to draw basic paths. Here we draw the branch in a similar way. We can draw a simple line – the main branch – by using the move to (M) and line to (L) commands:

<svg width="200px" height="200px" viewBox="-100 -100 200 200">
  <path stroke="#E5C39C" stroke-width="5" d="M0,0 L0,-90" />

Then we can continue drawing, and add a side branch by adding another move to and line to commands:

<svg width="200px" height="200px" viewBox="-100 -100 200 200">
  <path stroke="#E5C39C" stroke-width="5" d="M0,0 L0,-90 M0,-20 L20,-34" />

The finished branch would look like this:

<svg width="200px" height="200px" viewBox="-100 -100 200 200">
  <path id="branch" stroke="#E5C39C" stroke-width="5" d="
    M0,0 L0,-90
    M0,-20 L20,-34
    M0,-20 L-20,-34
    M0,-40 L20,-54
    M0,-40 L-20,-54
    M0,-60 L20-74
    M0,-60 L-20,-74" 

Reusing image elements

Then we can move the entire branch path into the defs section. The defs section is a hidden compartment of our image. Things here don’t show up on the screen, but we can refer to them and use them later.

Once we defined a branch, we can reuse it multiple times with the use command the following way.

Then we can move the individual branches to their correct position with the transform command in the same way as we did with the star example.

<svg width="200px" height="200px" viewBox="-100 -100 200 200">
    <path id="branch" stroke="#E5C39C" stroke-width="5" d="
      M0,0 L0,-90
      M0,-20 L20,-34
      M0,-20 L-20,-34
      M0,-40 L20,-54
      M0,-40 L-20,-54
      M0,-60 L20-74
      M0,-60 L-20,-74" 
  <use href="#branch" />
  <use href="#branch" transform="rotate(60)" />
  <use href="#branch" transform="rotate(120)" />
  <use href="#branch" transform="rotate(180)" />
  <use href="#branch" transform="rotate(240)" />
  <use href="#branch" transform="rotate(300)" />