In 1954, James Watson1 (PRO) and Francis Crick2 (TYR) formed the RNA Tie Club3 — a scientific gentleman's club whose mission was to solve the riddle of the RNA structure and to understand how it built proteins. The club had 20 members, each of whom was designated by an amino acid (the building blocks of proteins).

member training tie designation
George Gamow4 physicist ALA
Alexander Rich5 biochemist ARG
Paul Doty6 physical chemist ASP
Robert Ledley7 mathematical biophysicist ASN
Martynas Ycas8 biochemist CYS
Robley Williams9 electron microscopist GLU
Alexander Dounce10 biochemist GLN
Richard Feynman11 theoretical physicist GLY
Melvin Calvin12 chemist HIS
Norman Simmons13 biochemist ISO
Edward Teller14 physicist LEU
Erwin Chargaff15 biochemist LYS
Nicholas Metropolis16 physicist, mathematician MET
Gunther Stent17 physical chemist PHE
James Watson18 biologist PRO
Harold Gordon19 biologist SER
Leslie Orgel20 theoretical chemist THR
Max Delbrück21 theoretical physicist TRY
Francis Crick22 biologist TYR
Sydney Brenner23 biologist VAL

In his memoires George Gamow24 (ALA) recalled:

We were just drinking California wine and we got the idea.

Each member was given a black woolen necktie with an RNA felix embroidered in green and yellow (photograph, left to right: Francis Crick25 (TYR), Alexander Rich26 (ARG), Leslie Orgel27 (THR) and James Watson28 (PRO)).

RNA Tie Club
Some members of the RNA Tie Club. From left to right: Francis Crick, Alexander Rich, Leslie Orgel and James Watson.

Each member also received a gold tiepin with the three-letter abbreviation of his amino acid, which led several people to ask George Gamow29 (ALA) why his pin bore the wrong monogram.

Adopting the motto "Do or die, or don't try" they met twice a year to share ideas, cigars and alcohol. Several members of the RNA Tie Club went on to become Nobel Prize laureates, but if fell to Marshall Nirenberg30 — a non-member — to finally decipher the genetic code that forms the link between nucleic and amino acids.


We work with a secret code that the members of a club can use to exchange messages that are gibberish to non-members. The club members are registered in a comma-separated values31 (CSV) file whose first column contains the name of a club member and whose third column contains a designation that includes one or more uppercase letters. Each club member has a unique designation.

A secret message is represented by a sequence (list or tuple) of codes, where each code is a string (str) that contains a designation $$d$$ (one or more uppercase letters) that corresponds to a club member, followed by a position $$p$$ (one or more digits). Possible codes are GLU3, GLY2 or ALA10. To decode the secret message, each code must be replaced by the $$p$$-th letter in the name of the club member that corresponds to designation $$d$$. All letters in the decoded message are uppercase. For example, for the members of the RNA Tie Club, the code GLU3 corresponds with the letter B (third letter of Robley Williams), the code GLY2 with the letter I (second letter of Richard Feynman), and ALA10 with the letter O (tenth letter of George Gamow). Your task:


In the following interactive session, we assume the CSV file RnaTieClub.csv32 to be located in the current directory.

>>> designation = read_designations('RnaTieClub.csv33')
>>> designation['GLU']
>>> designation['GLY']
>>> designation['ALA']

>>> split_code('GLU3')
('GLU', 3)
>>> split_code('GLY2')
('GLY', 2)
>>> split_code('ALA10')
('ALA', 10)
>>> split_code('R2D2')
Traceback (most recent call last):
AssertionError: invalid code

>>> decode(['GLU3', 'GLY2', 'ALA10', 'ASP4', 'ASP6', 'THR9', 'HIS11', 'PHE8', 'PHE4'], designation)
>>> decode(('MET14', 'SER1', 'CYS5', 'PRO9', 'LYS4', 'HIS7', 'GLU11', 'GLU14', 'PHE4'), designation)
>>> decode(['CYS10', 'MET4', 'ARG8', 'ISO4', 'GLU8', 'MET18', 'PHE12'], designation)
>>> decode(['THR9', 'PHE6', 'THR7', 'LEU9', 'GLU2', 'ALA1', 'TYR6', 'GLU14', 'ASP7'], designation)
>>> decode(['THR9', 'ARG3', 'MET5', 'ALA5', 'ASN5', 'CYS2', 'MET14', 'GLY4', 'ASN11', 'ASN1'], designation)
>>> decode(['LYS11', 'MET8', 'ASP7', 'PHE7', 'ALA10', 'ISO11', 'ASN2', 'MET9', 'MET10', 'LEU5'], designation)
>>> decode(['CYS12', 'PRO8', 'LYS8', 'CYS4', 'MET17', 'ISO12', 'PHE12', 'MET17', 'LYS6', 'MET17', 'PRO2', 'HIS6'], designation)
>>> decode(['VAL7', 'ARG11', 'ALA3', 'MET3', 'ARG13', 'ASN11', 'HIS1', 'HIS5', 'PHE8', 'MET11'], designation)
>>> decode(['GLY12', 'ISO5', 'PHE9', 'GLY4', 'ASN8', 'ISO9', 'SER2', 'LEU7', 'LYS4', 'CYS10', 'TYR10', 'ALA8', 'GLN13'], designation)
>>> decode(['ARG12', 'SER8', 'GLU13', 'ASP1', 'TRY9', 'PHE9', 'THR10', 'LEU12', 'MET8', 'GLN14', 'ISO8', 'ALA6', 'TYR4', 'LEU7', 'HIS5', 'CYS8', 'LEU7'], designation)