This exercise contains Harry-Potter spoilers.

A Horcrux is an object in which a Dark wizard or witch has hidden a fragment of his or her soul for the purpose of attaining immortality. Horcruxes can only be created after committing murder, the supreme act of evil.

The table below shows a list of Horcruxes of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. This table can also be downloaded as a csv file1.

Type Name Destroyer With Where Movie
horcrux riddles_diary harry basilisks_fang chamber_of_secrets hp_chamber_of_secrets
horcrux gaunts_ring albus gryffindor_sword headmasters_office hp_half_blood_prince
horcrux slytherins_locket ronald gryffindor_sword forest_of_dean hp_deathly_hallows_I
horcrux huffelpuff_cup hermione basilisks_fang chamber_of_secrets hp_deathly_hallows_II
horcrux ravenclaws_diadem vincent friendfyre room_of_requirement hp_deathly_hallows_II
horcrux snake_nagini neville gryffindor_sword hogwarts hp_deathly_hallows_II
pseudo_horcrux harry voldemort avada_kedavra hidden_forest hp_deathly_hallows_II

Source: Harry Potter Fandom wiki2

Define following predicates and facts about the Horcruxes above:

Use the names in the table above as atom names.