After being forced to leave the earth because of an attack of a hostile extraterrestrial race, you have arrived on another planet. Of course, the aliens that live on this planet — the Gia'Duk — speak a completely different language. This complicates your integration in your new environment. 

Luckily, the extraterrestrials possess an advanced nanotechnology, allowing you to obtain a powerful hearing-aid. The only thing that is missing is a program that translates Gia'Duk words to English. The list of words is already at hand, only the implementation that provides a translation is lacking.


Write a function addTranslation that takes three arguments: the first one is a string ( the word to translate ), the second one is a string as well ( the translation of the first argument ) and the third one the dictionary in which you add the translation to ( the first argument becomes a key in the dictionary, the second argument the value ).

Write a function translation that takes two arguments: the first one is a string ( a word you want to translate ) and the second is the translation dictionary. If there is a translation for the word in the dictionary ( it is a key of the dictionary ), the function returns the translation. If the translation is not available, it instead returns '???'.


>>> dictionary = {}
>>> addTranslation('plerzs', 'woman', dictionary)
>>> addTranslation('nirtu', 'flower', dictionary)
>>> addTranslation('klinzoj', 'thirst', dictionary)
>>> addTranslation('tilza', 'dog', dictionary)
>>> addTranslation('zraidi', 'time', dictionary)
>>> dictionary
{'klinzoj': 'thirst', 'zraidi': 'time', 'tilza': 'dog', 'plerzs': 'woman', 'nirtu': 'flower'}

>>> translation('tilza', dictionary)
>>> translation('guoles', dictionary)