We will construct a graph that summarizes the US murders dataset that looks like this:

We can clearly see how much states vary across population size and the total number of murders. Not surprisingly, we also see a clear relationship between murder totals and population size. A state falling on the dashed grey line has the same murder rate as the US average. The four geographic regions are denoted with color, which depicts how most southern states have murder rates above the average.

This data visualization shows us pretty much all the information in the data table. The code needed to make this plot is relatively simple. We will learn to create the plot part by part.

The first step in learning ggplot2 is to be able to break a graph apart into components. Let’s break down the plot above and introduce some of the ggplot2 terminology. The main three components to note are:

We also note that:

We will now construct the plot piece by piece.

We start by loading the relevant libraries and the murders dataset (from dslabs):
