A magic word is needed to open a box. On the outside of the box is an encrypted version of the magic word. This encoding is done on the base of a secret code that consist of a one-to-one mapping between the letters of the alphabet and a series of 26 integers.
Write a function magicWord that takes two arguments: a list of integers and a string. The function must return a Boolean value that specifies whether or not the list of integers could be a valid encoding of the given word. Such an encoding must make use of a one-to-one mapping between the letters of the alphabet and a series of 26 integers, which is used to convert each letter of the magic word into its corresponding integer. The coding scheme does not distinguish between uppercase and lowercase letters.
>>> magicWord([9, 23, 14, 14, 18, 5], 'winner')
>>> magicWord([9, 23, 14, 14, 18, 5], 'looser')
>>> magicWord([9, 23, 14, 14, 18, 5], 'zipper')
>>> magicWord([9, 23, 14, 14, 18, 5], 'hummus')