Thanks to computer technology the functionality of phone systems has been greatly enhanced in the last ten years. We now have automated menus, sophisticated answering machines, conference call capabilities, group adressing and so on. A common feature of most current phone systems is the ability to set call forwaring. I somebody goes on vacation, he sets things up so that all incoming calls are forwarded to a colleague. Your task is to write a program that can be used to manage call forwarding at Ghent University.
All phones at Ghent University have four digit extensions. Employees can set call forwarding by entering the appropriate information through their telephone interface. If an employee is going to be away he enters the following information: his extension, the extension his calls should be forwarded to, the time he will be leaving, and how long he will be away. This information is subject to the following constraints:
all phone extensions consist of four digits, where leading zeros are allowed
the phone extension 9999 is reserved and has special meaning for the call forwarding system (see below)
times are recorded in increments of one hour and are based on a clock that begins at 0 at midnight every New Year's Eve; therefore, when describing the time they are leaving, employees always use an integer between 0 and 8784 ($$= 366 \times 24$$); the call forwarding system is completely reset at the beginning of a year
a call forward set at time $$t$$ for a duration of $$d$$ will be in effect from time $$t$$ to time $$t + d$$ inclusive
The call forwarding system may assume that employees enter "correct" information, in the sense that they follow the formatting rules and they do not enter a request such that the duration of the request would go past the end of the year. The system must explicitly check if the same employee does not enter multiple requests that overlap in time. But even though employees enter correct, clear, non-overlapping information from their own point of view, inconsistencies can still occur in the call forwarding system if requests have been made in such a way as to forward a call back to the original target of the call. For example, if Bob forwards his calls to Sue, and Sue forwards her calls to Joe, and Joe forwards his calls to Bob. When somebody calls any of these three people their calls would be forwarded forever. To prevent this situation the call forwarding system uses the dead end phone extension 9999. Any calls made to an extension involved in such a degenerate situation will be forwarded to the special phone extension 9999.
Define a class CallForwarding that can be used to operate a phone dispatching center that supports call forwarding. The functionality of the dispatching center must reflect the one described above. Objects of the class CallForwarding must therefore at least support the following methods:
A method setForward that can be used to enter a new request to the dispatching center. The method takes four arguments: i) the phone extension (string) of the employee that enters the request, ii) the phone extension (string) to which the call must be forwarded, iii) the time $$t$$ (int) at which the forward will become in effect, and iv) the duration $$d$$ (int) of the forward. If the employee enters a request that overlaps in time with one of his previous requests, the method must throw an AssertionError with messgae invalid forward.
A method setForwards that takes the name of a text file as an argument. Each line of the text file contains four integers (separated by spaces), where each number consists of four digits, where each integer consists of four digits. These integers represent the information for entering a call forward request: source target time duration. For each request, the method must set up a call forwarding from the source to the target starting at the time for a length of duration.
A method call that can be used to process incoming calls. This method takes two argument that represent an incoming call to a given phone extension (string, first argument) at a given point in time (int, second argument). The method must return a string as its result, representing the phone extension to which the incoming call will be finally forwarded. Forwarding should be done according to the call forwarding requests that have been entered into the dispatching center previous to the method call.
In the following interactive session we assume the current directory to contain the text file settings.txt1.
>>> dispatch = CallForwarding()
>>>'4444', 150)
>>> dispatch.setForward('4444', '6666', 100, 200)
>>> dispatch.setForward('5555', '7777', 600, 200)
>>>'5555', 700)
>>> dispatch.setForward('5555', '8888', 750, 100)
Traceback (most recent call last):
AssertionError: invalid forward
>>> dispatch2 = CallForwarding()
>>> dispatch2.setForwards('settings.txt')
>>>'1111', 50)
>>>'1111', 150)
>>>'1111', 200)
>>>'2222', 225)
>>>'1111', 270)
>>>'1111', 320)
>>>'3333', 320)
>>>'3000', 900)
>>>'3333', 1250)
>>>'7777', 1250)