In this exercise, we will perform text mining using the tm
and stringr
packages. Text mining is a process of extracting meaningful information from text data. It is a crucial step in many data science projects, especially those involving natural language processing.
We will use the stringr
package for basic text manipulation. It is a more coherent and fast alternative to base R. For every basic R regular expression command, there is a stringr
alternative. You can find more information here1.
The productreviews
dataset contains customer reviews of Amazon products.
The data is collected using the read_delim
function from the readr
package of tidyverse
Each row in the dataset represents a single review.
reviews <- read_delim("productreviews.csv", delim = "\n", col_names = FALSE)
First, let’s look at the first few reviews.
The str_sub
function is used to display the first 50 characters of each review.
reviews %>% pull(X1) %>% str_sub(1,50)
[1] "Two month-long trips abroad: this is the best. It " "This is nearly as heavy as my laptop and I was hop"
[3] "Wonderfully thin, light, and durable. The keyboard" "This Keyboard/case cover is Absolutely FABULOUS!!!"
[5] "Great case! Easy to use, thin, and turns my iPad i"
Next, we will analyze the length of the reviews.
The nchar
function is used to count the number of characters in each review.
The results are displayed in a histogram.
hist(nchar(reviews$X1), main="Number of characters per product review")
From this histogram, it becomes clear that most of the reviews contains 500 characters or less.
We can also count the number of words in each review.
The str_split
function is used to split the reviews into words, and the length
function is used to count the words.
hist(map_int(str_split(reviews$X1," "),length), main="Number of words per product review")
From this histogram, it becomes clear that most of the reviews contains 100 words or less.
Calculate how many reviews are present in the dataset and store it as n_reviews
Calculate how many times the word "good" occurs in all product review and
store it as n_good
To download the productreviews
dataset click
Assume that:
dataset is given.