We have learned the powerful approach to generating visualization with
ggplot. However, there are instances in which all we want is to make a
quick plot of, for example, a histogram of the values in a vector, a
scatterplot of the values in two vectors, or a boxplot using categorical
and numeric vectors. We demonstrated how to generate these plots with
, plot
, and boxplot
. However, if we want to keep consistent
with the ggplot style, we can use the function qplot
If we have values in two vectors, say:
x <- log10(murders$population)
y <- murders$total
and we want to make a scatterplot with ggplot, we would have to type something like:
data.frame(x = x, y = y) %>%
ggplot(aes(x, y)) +
This seems like too much code for such a simple plot. The qplot
function sacrifices the flexibility provided by the ggplot
but allows us to generate a plot quickly.
qplot(x, y)
We will learn more about qplot
in Section