Next we consider the task of predicting whether an individual earns more than $250,000 per year. We proceed much as before, except that first we create the appropriate response vector, and then apply the glm() function using family="binomial" in order to fit a polynomial logistic regression model.

fit <- glm(I(wage > 250) ~ poly(age, 4), data = Wage, family = binomial)

Note that we again use the wrapper I() to create this binary response variable on the fly. The expression wage>250 evaluates to a logical variable containing TRUEs and FALSEs, which glm() coerces to binary by setting the TRUEs to 1 and the FALSEs to 0.

Once again, we make predictions using the predict() function.

preds <- predict(fit, newdata = list(age = age.grid), se = TRUE)

However, calculating the confidence intervals is slightly more involved than in the linear regression case. The default prediction type for a glm() model is type="link", which is what we use here. This means we get predictions for the logit: that is, we have fit a model of the form

\[\log \left( \frac{\Pr(Y = 1 \mid X)}{1 - \Pr(Y = 1 \mid X)} \right) = X \beta,\]

and the predictions given are of the form \(X \beta\). The standard errors given are also of this form. In order to obtain confidence intervals for \(\Pr(Y = 1 \mid X)\), we use the transformation

\[\Pr(Y = 1 \mid X) = \frac{\exp(X \beta)}{1 + \exp(X \beta)}.\]
pfit <- exp(preds$fit) / (1 + exp(preds$fit))
se.bands.logit <- cbind(preds$fit + 2 * preds$, preds$fit - 2 * preds$
se.bands <- exp(se.bands.logit) / (1 + exp(se.bands.logit))

Finally, the plot below is made as follows:


plot(age, I(wage > 250), xlim = agelims, type = "n", ylim = c(0, .2))
points(jitter(age), I((wage > 250) / 5), cex = .5, pch = "|", col = "darkgrey")
lines(age.grid, pfit, lwd = 2, col = "blue")
matlines(age.grid, se.bands, lwd = 1, col = "blue", lty = 3)

We have drawn the age values corresponding to the observations with wage values above 250 as gray marks on the top of the plot, and those with wage values below 250 are shown as gray marks on the bottom of the plot. We used the jitter() function to jitter the age values a bit so that observations with the same age value do not cover each other up. This is often called a rug plot.


Assume that: