A new restriction was imposed on the entire cultural sector to ensure more social distancing1 between the letters of the alphabet. The result thereof can be seen from the text in this picture:

text (incomplete)
A new restriction was imposed on the entire cultural sector to ensure somewhat more social distancing between the letters of the alphabet. The result of this can be seen from the text in this picture. Can you figure out what restrictive measure was imposed and do you recognize the text?

Can you figure out what restrictive measure was imposed and do you recognize the text? Click here to see the answer.



In the following interactive session we assume the text files society.txt5 and bohemian.txt6 to be located in the current directory.

>>> erase('SOCIAL DISTANCING', 'We have a greed, with which we have agreed')
'We h ve    ree , w  h wh  h we h ve   ree '
>>> erase('SOCIALLY DISTANCED', 'We have a greed, with which we have agreed')
'W  h v    gr   , w  h wh  h w  h v   gr   '

>>> discard('SOCIAL DISTANCING', 'society.txt7')
 h,   '    my  ery    me
We h ve    ree , w  h wh  h we h ve   ree
    y u  h  k y u h ve    w    m re  h   y u  ee
U     y u h ve        y u w  '  be free
    e y, y u're    r zy bree
  h pe y u're        e y w  h u  me
>>> discard('SOCIAL DISTANCING', 'society.txt8', 'society.01.txt9')
>>> discard('SOCIALLY DISTANCED', 'society.txt10', 'society.02.txt11')

>>> isconsistent('society.01.txt12', 'society.02.txt13')
>>> isconsistent('society.01.txt14', 'society.txt15')
>>> isconsistent('society.02.txt16', 'society.txt17')
>>> isconsistent('society.01.txt18', 'bohemian.txt19')


Ernest Hemingway published this "blank verse" in his high school literary magazine in 1916:

blank verse
Blank verse (1916), Ernest Hemingway.

Get it? David Morice followed up with this "punctuation poem" in Word Ways20 in February 2012:

% , & —
+ . ? /
" :
% ;
+ $ [ \

It's a limerick21:

Percent comma ampersand dash
Plus period question mark slash
Quotation mark colon
Percent semicolon
Plus dollar sign bracket backslash