The dashboard of a certain type of car shows a message that indicates when a car should go to the service station for maintenance. This messages states either the remaining kilometres or the remaining amount of days. If the deadline is reached before maintenance, a message is shown on the dashboard.

dashboard maintenance 

In order to decide which message needs to appear, the car's on-board computer works as follows: The computer knows the number of kilometres of the last maintenance, the current number of kilometres and the average amount of kilometres that was covered every day since the last maintenance. Based on this information, the board computer calculates the amount of days that are left

If the amount of remaining days in the first case is smaller than the second, the message shows the remaining number of kilometres until the next maintenance. The number of kilometres has to be rounded off to the nearest integer. In the other case, the message states the remaining amount of days, here, an estimation is made based on maintenance every 240 days. The remaining amount of days is indicated without digits after the comma (rounded down). If either more than 15,000 km were covered or if more than 240 days have gone by since the last maintenance, a message appears saying the car needs to go to a service station immediately.


Three real numbers, each on a separate line. These respectively signify the number of kilometres of the last maintenance, the current number of kilometres and the average amount of kilometres that is covered daily since the last maintenance.


The message that is generated on the dashboard of the car, if the board computer applies the procedure above to the data in the input. The message should be formulated as below:

xxx represents an integer.





maintenance in 6050 km