Using the definitions created in the previous exercises, create two drawpiles. The first has the 2 of Diamonds, King of Hearts, and 7 of Clubs (in this order). The second has the 4 of Hearts, 3 of Hearts, and 8 of Spades (in this order). Let the draw piles play “War!” This game is played as follows: Draw the top card from each deck. The highest of these cards goes on the bottom of its own deck, and the other card goes there too. The game continues until there is only one pile left.

Hint: With this setup, the game will take 13 rounds and the first deck wins (it has to, as it contains a card that can never be beaten by the second deck). Do you see what a boring game “War!” is? Why children insist on playing this – with full decks even – I’ll never know.

Note: Normally when “War!” is played there are special rules for when two cards have the same rank, but in this case the draw piles contain only cards of a unique rank. You do not have to take into account playing the game where that can happen, though if you want to do that, be my guest.