Who's name is hidden in here?

Who's name is hidden in here?


The circles in the puzzle are arranged in a $$26 \times 26$$ grid with 26 rows and 26 columns. If we identify the rows of the grid from top to bottom with successive uppercase letters and the columns from left to right with successive lowercase letters, then the position of each circle in the grid can be represented by two letters: the uppercase letter that identifies the row of the circle, followed by the lowercase letter that identifies its column. However, the position of a circle on the main diagonal is represented by a single letter: the uppercase letter that identifies the row (and thus also corresponds to the letter that identifies the column).

This is how the puzzle can be solved. Circles at positions that correspond to a the symbolic representation of a chemical elements from the periodic table are indicated in red. These circles must be ignored: only the other circles are important to find the answer and are indicated in green. The green circles are numbered sequentially from 1 by the digits in those circles (indicated in the small black circles near the green circles). This determines the order in which the representations of the positions of the green circles must be concatenated: the green circle with digit 1 is at position M, the green circle with digit 2 at position En, the green circle with digit 3 at position De, the green circle with digit 4 at position Le and the green circle with digit 5 at position Ev. Concatenating the representations of these positions yields the name MENDELEEV.

If you now take a closer look, you'll see that the red circles correspond to positions represented by one or two letters of symbols for chemical elements from the periodic table2: a systematic arrangement of all known chemical elements. These red circles must be ignored: only the green circles are important to find the answer.

Taking a look at what numbers are in the five green circles in the original puzzle (we have put them inside small black circles near the green circles), you'll see that the green circles are numbered sequentially, starting from 1. This determines the order in which the representations of the positions of the green circles must be concatenated: the green circle with number 1 is at position M, the green circle with number 2 at position En, the green circle with number 3 at position De, the green circle with number 4 at position Le and the green circle with number 5 at position Ev. Concatenating the representations of these positions yields the name MENDELEEV.


A puzzle file is a text file with 26 lines, each containing 26 digits (09). For example, this is the puzzle file corresponding to the puzzle from the introduction (puzzle.txt3):


Each zero (digit 0) in this file corresponds to a position where there is no circle in the puzzle and each other digit corresponds to a position where there is a black circle in the puzzle containing that digit. A puzzle file therefore corresponds to a representation of the puzzle where we would also draw circles containing a zero at positions where there are zeros in the file.

puzzle (hidden circles)
Representation of the puzzle from the introduction, where grey circles containing a zero (digit 0) have been drawn at positions where there is a zero in the puzzle file. The rows of the puzzle grid have been numbered from top to bottom and the columns have been numbered from left to right, starting at zero.

In the above representation of the puzzle we have numbered the rows from top to bottom, starting at zero. We have also numbered the columns from left to right, starting at zero. This allows us to represent any position in the $$26 \times 26$$ puzzle grid as a coordinate: a tuple $$(r, c)$$ with two integers $$r, c \in \mathbb{N}$$ (int; $$0 \leq r, c < 26$$). By identifying the rows and columns with letters as in the introduction, we can also represent each position in the puzzle grid symbolically as a single letter (str; for positions on the main diagonal) or two letters (str; for positions off the main diagonal).

Your task:


In the following interactive session we assume that the text files symbols.csv7 and puzzle.txt8 are located in the current directory.

>>> symbol2coordinate('Ac')
(0, 2)
>>> symbol2coordinate('B')
(1, 1)
>>> symbol2coordinate('MG')
(12, 6)

>>> coordinate2symbol((0, 2))
>>> coordinate2symbol((1, 1))
>>> coordinate2symbol((12, 6))

>>> invalid_symbols = symbols('symbols.csv9', 2)
>>> invalid_symbols
{'AC', 'AG', 'AL', 'AM', 'AR', 'AS', 'AT', 'AU', 'B', 'BA', 'BE', 'BH', 'BI', 'BK', 'BR', 'C', 'CA', 'CD', 'CE', 'CF', 'CL', 'CM', 'CN', 'CO', 'CR', 'CS', 'CU', 'DB', 'DS', 'DY', 'ER', 'ES', 'EU', 'F', 'FE', 'FL', 'FM', 'FR', 'GA', 'GD', 'GE', 'H', 'HE', 'HF', 'HG', 'HO', 'HS', 'I', 'IN', 'IR', 'K', 'KR', 'LA', 'LI', 'LR', 'LU', 'LV', 'MC', 'MD', 'MG', 'MN', 'MO', 'MT', 'N', 'NA', 'NB', 'ND', 'NE', 'NH', 'NI', 'NO', 'NP', 'O', 'OG', 'OS', 'P', 'PA', 'PB', 'PD', 'PM', 'PO', 'PR', 'PT', 'PU', 'RA', 'RB', 'RE', 'RF', 'RG', 'RH', 'RN', 'RU', 'S', 'SB', 'SC', 'SE', 'SG', 'SI', 'SM', 'SN', 'SR', 'TA', 'TB', 'TC', 'TE', 'TH', 'TI', 'TL', 'TM', 'TS', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'XE', 'Y', 'YB', 'ZN', 'ZR'}

>>> all_coordinates('puzzle.txt10')
{(0, 2): 3, (0, 6): 8, (0, 11): 4, (0, 12): 5, (0, 17): 5, (0, 18): 2, (0, 19): 8, (0, 20): 3, (1, 0): 3, (1, 1): 7, (1, 4): 1, (1, 7): 6, (1, 8): 5, (1, 10): 5, (1, 17): 5, (2, 0): 6, (2, 2): 2, (2, 3): 3, (2, 4): 8, (2, 5): 4, (2, 11): 7, (2, 12): 7, (2, 13): 3, (2, 14): 3, (2, 17): 9, (2, 18): 1, (2, 20): 4, (3, 1): 7, (3, 4): 3, (3, 18): 2, (3, 24): 1, (4, 13): 2, (4, 17): 5, (4, 18): 4, (4, 20): 5, (4, 21): 5, (5, 4): 6, (5, 5): 2, (5, 11): 2, (5, 12): 9, (5, 17): 7, (6, 0): 7, (6, 3): 3, (6, 4): 3, (7, 4): 6, (7, 5): 5, (7, 6): 2, (7, 7): 6, (7, 14): 1, (7, 18): 4, (8, 8): 2, (8, 13): 6, (8, 17): 8, (10, 10): 2, (10, 17): 1, (11, 0): 5, (11, 4): 4, (11, 8): 5, (11, 17): 6, (11, 20): 2, (11, 21): 9, (12, 2): 9, (12, 3): 9, (12, 6): 7, (12, 12): 1, (12, 13): 9, (12, 14): 6, (12, 19): 3, (13, 0): 4, (13, 1): 2, (13, 3): 7, (13, 4): 9, (13, 7): 6, (13, 8): 7, (13, 13): 1, (13, 14): 7, (13, 15): 6, (14, 6): 1, (14, 14): 1, (14, 18): 6, (15, 0): 5, (15, 1): 7, (15, 3): 7, (15, 12): 3, (15, 14): 3, (15, 15): 5, (15, 17): 8, (15, 19): 8, (15, 20): 1, (17, 0): 4, (17, 1): 5, (17, 4): 8, (17, 5): 3, (17, 6): 1, (17, 7): 6, (17, 13): 2, (17, 20): 8, (18, 1): 4, (18, 2): 4, (18, 4): 8, (18, 6): 8, (18, 8): 9, (18, 12): 2, (18, 13): 6, (18, 17): 4, (18, 18): 7, (19, 0): 2, (19, 1): 1, (19, 2): 8, (19, 4): 3, (19, 7): 1, (19, 8): 4, (19, 11): 3, (19, 12): 8, (19, 18): 4, (20, 20): 6, (21, 21): 7, (22, 22): 1, (23, 4): 3, (24, 1): 7, (24, 24): 4, (25, 13): 4, (25, 17): 3}

>>> valid_coordinates('puzzle.txt11', invalid_symbols)
{(3, 4): 3, (4, 13): 2, (4, 21): 5, (11, 4): 4, (12, 12): 1}

>>> hidden_name('puzzle.txt12', invalid_symbols)