Below you see the full data set bcmort (from the ISwR package). The four-level factor cohort can be considered the product of two two-level factors:



See the details in help(bcmort). Create a data frame bcmort2 with those two factors added to the existing variables.


     age        cohort bc.deaths    p.yr
1  50-54     Study gr.         9   64144
2  55-59     Study gr.        34   92734
3  60-64     Study gr.        43   83510
4  65-69     Study gr.        53   87408
5  70-74     Study gr.        56   77427
6  75-79     Study gr.        28   25600
7  50-54      Nat.ctr.        89  767111
8  55-59      Nat.ctr.       434 1067778
9  60-64      Nat.ctr.       516  906943
10 65-69      Nat.ctr.       535  826254
11 70-74      Nat.ctr.       545  635385
12 75-79      Nat.ctr.       214  192946
13 50-54     Hist.ctr.        22   57669
14 55-59     Hist.ctr.        45  113143
15 60-64     Hist.ctr.        82  139065
16 65-69     Hist.ctr.       104  155697
17 70-74     Hist.ctr.       128  128454
18 75-79     Hist.ctr.        57   40196
19 50-54 Hist.nat.ctr.       104  577528
20 55-59 Hist.nat.ctr.       443  931245
21 60-64 Hist.nat.ctr.       485  916923
22 65-69 Hist.nat.ctr.       491  838476
23 70-74 Hist.nat.ctr.       418  608008
24 75-79 Hist.nat.ctr.       182  182824


(from: Dalgaard, 2008, Introductory Statistics with R, Springer)