In the lab, we applied random forests to the Boston
data using mtry = 6
and using ntree = 25
and ntree = 500
, with medv
as dependent variable.
Create a plot displaying the test error resulting from random forests on this data set for mtry
, where \(m=p\), \(m=p/2\) and \(m=\sqrt{p}\).
You can use the following code to split your data into train/test.
train <- sample(1:nrow(Boston), nrow(Boston) / 2)
Boston.train <- Boston[train, -14]
Boston.test <- Boston[-train, -14]
Y.train <- Boston[train, 14]
Y.test <- Boston[-train, 14]
Your plot will not be tested by Dodona, you will still need to make it in order to answer the MC question.
Interpret the results obtained.
- MC1: Does bagging perform better than random forest in this case?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No