When examining a dataset, it is often convenient to sort the table by the different columns. We know about the order and sort function, but for ordering entire tables, the dplyr function arrange is useful. For example, here we order the states by population size:

murders %>%
  arrange(population) %>%
#>                  state abb        region population total   rate
#> 1              Wyoming  WY          West     563626     5  0.887
#> 2 District of Columbia  DC         South     601723    99 16.453
#> 3              Vermont  VT     Northeast     625741     2  0.320
#> 4         North Dakota  ND North Central     672591     4  0.595
#> 5               Alaska  AK          West     710231    19  2.675
#> 6         South Dakota  SD North Central     814180     8  0.983

With arrange we get to decide which column to sort by. To see the states by murder rate, from lowest to highest, we arrange by rate instead:

murders %>% 
  arrange(rate) %>%
#>           state abb        region population total  rate
#> 1       Vermont  VT     Northeast     625741     2 0.320
#> 2 New Hampshire  NH     Northeast    1316470     5 0.380
#> 3        Hawaii  HI          West    1360301     7 0.515
#> 4  North Dakota  ND North Central     672591     4 0.595
#> 5          Iowa  IA North Central    3046355    21 0.689
#> 6         Idaho  ID          West    1567582    12 0.766

Note that the default behavior is to order in ascending order. In dplyr, the function desc transforms a vector so that it is in descending order. To sort the table in descending order, we can type:

murders %>% 

Nested sorting

If we are ordering by a column with ties, we can use a second column to break the tie. Similarly, a third column can be used to break ties between first and second and so on. Here we order by region, then within region we order by murder rate:

murders %>% 
  arrange(region, rate) %>% 
#>           state abb    region population total  rate
#> 1       Vermont  VT Northeast     625741     2 0.320
#> 2 New Hampshire  NH Northeast    1316470     5 0.380
#> 3         Maine  ME Northeast    1328361    11 0.828
#> 4  Rhode Island  RI Northeast    1052567    16 1.520
#> 5 Massachusetts  MA Northeast    6547629   118 1.802
#> 6      New York  NY Northeast   19378102   517 2.668

The top \(n\)

In the code above, we have used the function head to avoid having the page fill up with the entire dataset. If we want to see a larger proportion, we can use the top_n function. This function takes a data frame as it’s first argument, the number of rows to show in the second, and the variable to filter by in the third. Here is an example of how to see the top 5 rows:

murders %>% top_n(5, rate)
#>                  state abb        region population total  rate
#> 1 District of Columbia  DC         South     601723    99 16.45
#> 2            Louisiana  LA         South    4533372   351  7.74
#> 3             Maryland  MD         South    5773552   293  5.07
#> 4             Missouri  MO North Central    5988927   321  5.36
#> 5       South Carolina  SC         South    4625364   207  4.48

Note that rows are not sorted by rate, only filtered. If we want to sort, we need to use arrange. Note that if the third argument is left blank, top_n filters by the last column.