The pseudocode for SmallParsimony is shown below. It returns the parsimony score for a binary rooted tree $$T$$ whose leaves are labeled by symbols stored in an array Character (i.e., Character($$v$$) is the label of leaf $$v$$). At each iteration, it selects a node $$v$$ and computes $$s_k(v)$$ for each symbol $$k$$ in the alphabet. For each node $$v$$, SmallParsimony maintains a value Tag($$v$$), which indicates whether the node has been processed (i.e., Tag($$v$$) = 1 if the array $$s_k(v)$$ has been computed and Tag(v) = 0 otherwise). We call an internal node of $$T$$ ripe if its tag is 0 but its children's tags are both 1. SmallParsimony works upward from the leaves, finding a ripe node $$v$$ at which to compute $$s_k(v)$$ at each step.

SmallParsimony(T, Character)
    for each node v in tree T
        Tag(v) ← 0
        if v is a leaf
            Tag(v) ← 1
            for each symbol k in the alphabet
                if Character(v) = k
                    sk(v) ← 0
                    sk(v) ← ∞
    while there exist ripe nodes in T
        v ← a ripe node in T
        Tag(v) ← 1
        for each symbol k in the alphabet
            sk(v) ← minimum over all symbols i {si(Daughter(v)) + δi,k} + minimum over all symbols j {sj(Son(v)) + δj,k}
    return minimum over all symbols k {sk(v)}


Rooted trees

Define a class Tree that can be used to represent edge-weighted rooted binary trees whose nodes are labeled and whose edges are weighted with a floating point number. The initialization method takes the following optional parameters:

The class Tree must support at least the following methods:

Make sure the built-in function repr returns string representations of objects of the class Tree that are formatted according to the example given below: the label (if any) is not passed as a keyword argument, whereas all other arguments are passed as keyword arguments.

Small parsimony

Define a function small_parsimony that takes a rooted binary tree with $$n$$ leaves labeled by DNA string (Tree). The function must return the given tree (Tree) as an edge-weighted rooted binary tree, whose internal nodes have been labeled by DNA strings that minimize the parsimony score of the tree.


Remember to run SmallParsimony on each individual index of the strings at the leaves of the tree.


In the following example we assume the text file tree.txt1 to be located in the current directory.

>>> Tree('label')
>>> Tree() == Tree()
>>> Tree(0, lt=Tree(1), rt=Tree(2))
Tree(0, lt=Tree(1), rt=Tree(2))
>>> Tree(0, lt=Tree(1), lw=1, rt=Tree(2), rw=3)
Tree(0, lt=Tree(1), lw=1, rt=Tree(2), rw=3)

>>> tree = Tree.loadtxt('tree.txt2')
>>> tree
Tree(lt=Tree(lt=Tree('ACGTAGGCCT'), rt=Tree('ATGTAAGACT')), rt=Tree(lt=Tree('TCGAGAGCAC'), rt=Tree('TCGAAAGCAT')))

>>> small_parsimony(tree, 'ACGT')
Tree('ACGAAAGCAT', lt=Tree('ACGTAAGCCT', lt=Tree('ACGTAGGCCT'), lw=1, rt=Tree('ATGTAAGACT'), rw=2), lw=2, rt=Tree('TCGAAAGCAT', lt=Tree('TCGAGAGCAC'), lw=2, rt=Tree('TCGAAAGCAT'), rw=0), rw=1)

Here's the rooted binary tree with minimal parsimony score 8 that corresponds to the tree in the above example.

rooted binary tree
Evolutionary tree with minimal parsimony score 8, corresponding to rooted binary tree used in the example.