Exercise 1.3.2

Generalise the code written for exercise 1.1.3 for finding which European countries have the largest population in 1952 and 2007 by creating a function that finds which country on a defined continent has the largest population for a given year. Provide default values for certain arguments.

Note: import the necessary libraries the function needs: statistics, csv and os.

The function should start with:

def largest_country_by_continent_and_year(gapminder_filepath, continent='', year=''):

and end with:

print(continent, 'largest country in', year)
return largest_country, pop

Using the following lines of code, you can validate your script:

largest_country = largest_country_by_continent_and_year(os.path.join('path', 'to', 'file.csv'), 'Africa', '2007')

It should give the following line of code:

Africa largest country in 2007
('Nigeria', 135031164)