Download the data set: Auto.data1 Make sure to place it in the same directory of your R file and set your working directory.

Set your working directory like this2 or -preferably- use the setwd() function.

For most analyses, the first step involves importing a data set into R. The read.table() function is one of the primary ways to do this. The help file contains details about how to use this function. We can use the function write.table() to export data. You can observe the same logic as what we have seen with read.csv() and write.csv().

Before attempting to load a data set, we must make sure that R knows to search for the data in the proper directory. For example on a Windows system one could select the directory using the Change dir… option under the File menu. However, the details of how to do this depend on the operating system (e.g. Windows, Mac, Unix) that is being used, and so we do not give further details here. We begin by loading in the Auto data set. This data is part of the ISLR library but to illustrate the read.table() function we load it now from a text file. The following command will load the file into R and store it as an object called Auto, in a format referred to as a data frame. Once the data has been loaded, the fix() function can be used to view it in a spreadsheet like window. However, the window must be closed before further R commands can be entered.


Note that is simply a text file, which you could alternatively open on your computer using a standard text editor. It is often a good idea to view a data set using a text editor (e.g. Notepad) or other software such as Excel before loading it into R. This particular data set has not been loaded correctly, because R has assumed that the variable names are part of the data and so has included them in the first row. The data set also includes a number of missing observations, indicated by a question mark ?. Missing values are a common occurrence in real data sets. Using the option header=T (or header=TRUE) in the read.table() function tells R that the first line of the file contains the variable names, and using the option na.strings tells R that any time it sees a particular character or set of characters (such as a question mark), it should be treated as a missing element of the data matrix.
