The fourteen most common letters in the English language are: etaoinshrdlcum. Write a text compression program based on this fact. The compression program stores these letters in half-bytes. A half-byte can take the numbers zero to 15. If you only use the numbers 1 to 15, each number can represent one of these fourteen most common letters, and you can use the number 15 for the space. So you can store two of these letters (or space) in a byte (the value for the whole byte would be 16 times the value for the first letter, plus the second letter). If in the text you encounter a letter that is not amongst these fifteen, you indicate that by storing a zero-half-byte, followed by a whole byte that represents the unencoded letter. Of course, in this setup it is possible that the full byte is actually divided over two bytes, namely the second half-byte of one byte, and the first half-byte of the other byte.

Hint: an easy approach is to build a list of half-bytes. For the most common letters, you store their index-value for the string "etaoinshrdlcum " plus 1 (which is a value in the range 1 to 15; notice that the last character in the string is the space). For the other characters, you store three half bytes, namely zero, followed by the ordinal value of the character divided by 16 (rounded down), followed by that ordinal value modulo 16. Once the half-byte-list is finished, you can turn it into a byte list by taking pairs of half-bytes, multiplying the first by 16 and adding the second. Create a byte string using bytes() casting.

For testing: the string "Hello, world\”!, which is 13 characters in length, will become the 11-character byte string b'\\x04\\x81\\xbb@,\\xf0wI\\xba\\x02\\x10' if you follow the procedure outlined above (which assigns e the value 1, t the value 2, etcetera).

A note on the translation of "Hello, world\”! to the given byte string (see Figure 19.11): You may remember that a hexadecimal representation of a byte consists of two hexadecimal digits, i.e., each digit is a half-byte. Using that information, you can see how the translation has been done. The first byte is \x04, i.e., the first half-byte is zero. That means that the first character is given literally, i.e., it consists of the second half-byte of \x04, and the first half-byte of the next byte, which is \x81. That is the byte \x48. If you look up the hexadecimal code 48 in the ASCII table (given in the chapter on strings), you see that that is the character H. The following half-byte is the second half-byte of \x81, i.e., it is 1. Since this is not zero, it is one of the most common characters, namely the first one, which is e. So now you see how "Hello, world\”! is compressed as the byte string provided. The byte string does contain a few characters that are not displayed as their hexadecimal code; if you really want to know which hexadecimal code they represent, look them up in the ASCII table.

By the way, despite the long description, the whole program needs less than 30 lines of code, including comments, empty lines, and testing statements.  


Compression example.