Scope refers to visibility. In particular, when discussing the scope of a variable, it refers to the places in a program where a variable is visible and can be changed. Lifetime refers to how long a variable exists in memory. Lifetime is closely related to scope, which is why I discuss them in one section.

Scope of variables

In general, the scope of a variable is at least the code block in which it is created, and all the code blocks that are nested within that code block at a deeper indent level. The follow code demonstrates how the scope of variables is defined for Python:

hello = "Hi!"
bye = "Goodbye!"

for i in range( 3 ):
    for j in range( 2 ):
        afternoon = "Good afternoon"
        print( bye )
    print( j )
    print( hello )
    print( afternoon )

print( i )
print( j )
print( afternoon )

The variables hello and bye are created at the top level of the program, which means their scope is the whole program. The variables i, j, and afternoon are defined in code blocks which are at a deeper indent level. In most programming languages, that would mean that their scope would be restricted to those deeper levels, but Python is friendly in this respect and makes their scope extend beyond the loop that they are in. So all these variables are visible in the program after they have been defined.

How does this work with functions?

dozen = 12

def dimeAdozen():
    print( "There are", dozen/dime, "dimes in a dozen" )

dime = 10
print( "dime =", dime, "and dozen =", dozen )

Again, we see that both dozen and dime are visible within the function dimeAdozen(). They can be seen by the function because they have been defined before the function is called, and since the code block of the function is at a deeper indent level, it can see these variables.

However, now look at the following code, which contains a small change from the code above:

dozen = 12

def dimeAdozen():
    dozen = 13
    print( "There are", dozen/dime, "dimes in a dozen" )

dime = 10
print( "dime =", dime, "and dozen =", dozen )

Run this code, then examine it and its output closely, and compare it with the code and the output of the code block above it. The variable dozen seems to get a new value in the function dimeAdozen(), which leads to the function claiming that there are now 1.3 dimes in a dozen. However, when the value of dozen is printed in the main program, its value is shown to be still 12, and not 13.

The reason is that the variable dozen in the function is a different one than the variable dozen in the main program. By assigning a value to a variable in a function, a new, “local” variable is created. And this variable is used for the remainder of the function. The original variable dozen still exists, but is invisible to the function once it has created its own dozen.

The lifetime of the variable dozen in the function is the period for which the code block of the function is executed. As soon as the function ends (for instance, because of a return or because the last line was executed), the local variables of the function are destroyed. They are no longer in the computer’s memory, and can no longer be accessed.

apple = "apple"
banana = "banana"
cherry = "cherry"
durian = "durian"

def printfruits_1():
    print( apple, banana )

def printfruits_2( apple ):
    banana = cherry
    print( apple, banana )

def printfruits_3( apple, banana ):
    cherry = "mango"
    banana = cherry
    print( apple, banana )

printfruits_2( cherry )
printfruits_3( cherry, durian )

print( "apple =", apple )
print( "banana =", banana )
print( "cherry =", cherry )
print( "durian =", durian )

Run this code and study it closely.

The three functions printfruits_1(), printfruits_2(), and printfruits_3() print the variables apple and banana.

In printfruits_1() these are the two variables apple and banana that are defined outside the function, as the function itself does not try to define these variables.

In printfruits_2(), apple is the parameter of the function, which means it is a variable local to the function that gets its value from outside the function. The value it gets is the value of the variable cherry (because cherry is provided as the argument when the function is called), which is the word “cherry.” banana is a variable that gets its value in the function. This is a new, local variable banana, which has nothing to do with the variable banana in the main program. It gets the value of cherry, which is not locally known to the function, so it uses the variable cherry from the main program for that. Therefore, the local variable banana gets the value “cherry,” and this is the value that is printed.

In printfruits_3(), apple and banana are both parameters, so they are both variables that are local to the function and that get their initial value from the call to the function. The function then creates a local variable cherry, which is independent from the variable cherry from the main program. It then assigns the value of cherry, which is "mango", to the local variable banana. All these changes are therefore made to local variables, and have no influence on the values of variables from the main program.

When after the function calls the values of the variables from the main program are printed, you see that they still have the values that were originally assigned to them, regardless of whether they were used as arguments to the function calls, or whether variables in the functions with the same names got different values assigned. As soon as a variable in a function gets assigned a value, if that variable was not yet created in the function and was not a parameter of the function, a new, local variable is created and used in the function. Such a new, local variable is completely independent from any variable which exists outside the function. Its lifetime is the period for which the function is executed. Parameters can also be considered local variables of a function.

This is a very powerful feature of functions: they do not have to take into account variables that exist outside the function, as any variable that they create is local to the function.

Global variables

I showed above that variables that are created outside a function are visible in the function, unless a new variable with the same name is created in the function. Variables from the main program are called “global” variables, as they are visible anywhere in the program, as opposed to “local” variables that are only visible in a function.

It is good practice to make functions independent from the main program, i.e., to not let them access any of the global variables. If you do need to communicate values from outside a function to the function, then do so by means of parameters. An exception can be made for variables that are used as constants (see Chapter 51). If you do let a function access a constant, then make sure it is clear to anyone who inspects the function that you are referring to a constant, i.e., that the name of the constant is written in all capitals.

You might wonder if it isn’t possible to change the values of global variables in a function. This is, in fact, possible, but you have to make clear that you explicitly want the global variable to be affected by using the keyword global. The statement global <variable> indicates that the particular variable mentioned is actually referring to the global variable of this name. For example:

fruit = "apple"

def changeFruit():
    global fruit
    fruit = "banana"

print( fruit )
print( fruit )

While it is possible to affect global variables in functions, this is not recommended as it makes the function dependent on the main program (and thus no longer a “pure” function). Basically, it makes the function have side effects, and (all together now:) a function should not have any side effects.

It is also never necessary to include global variables in a function. If you want to allow a function to affect a global variable, then let the function return a value that can be assigned to the global variable. Leave it to the main program to decide whether or not to overwrite the value of one of its own variables. The only reason I mention it here is that I sometimes see students reverting to the keyword global because they have insufficient understanding of return statements. Denying the existence of global is not effective, I rather admit that it exists and warn students against using it.