You have used the for … in … command on many occasions. You may have noticed that it can be used for many different applications.

for i in [1,2,3,4]:
    print( i, end=" " )
for i in ( "pi", 3.14, 22/7 ):
    print( i, end=" ")
for i in range( 3, 11, 2 ):
    print( i, end=" ")
for c in "Hello":
    print( c, end=" " )
for key in { "apple":1, "banana":3 }:
    print( key, end=" " )

List, strings, and dictionaries are all “iterables,” which means they can be used in such for … in … expressions. Many other objects can also be used as iterables. You can actually ensure that your own classes can be used as iterables as well.

An “iterator” is an object that returns a new item every time you call the next() function with the object as argument. When there are no items left, it raises a StopIteration exception. If you want to avoid the exception, you can give an optional second argument to next(), which is returned when the iterator is exhausted. You can turn an iterable into an iterator object using the built-in function iter().

iterator = iter( ["apple", "banana", "cherry"] )
print( next( iterator, "END" ) )
print( next( iterator, "END" ) )
print( next( iterator, "END" ) )
print( next( iterator, "END" ) )

You can use iterators in for … in … statements.

iterator = iter( ["apple", "banana", "cherry"] )
for fruit in iterator:
    print( fruit )

Iterable objects

An object that should function as an iterable has two elements:

You can loop over all the items of the iterable using for … in …. There are three main ways that you can create such an iterable object. The first two ways start with the iterable as a container of a sequence of items.

The first way, when __next__() is called, removes one of the items and returns it, after which the iterable holds one less item. Once all items are “consumed,” it can only raise StopIteration. Here is an example of such an iterator that contains the first 10 numbers of the Fibonacci sequence.

class Fibo:
    def __init__( self ):
        self.seq = [1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55]
    def __iter__( self ):
        return self
    def __next__( self ):
        if len( self.seq ) > 0:
            return self.seq.pop(0)
        raise StopIteration()

fseq = Fibo()
for n in fseq:
    print( n, end=" " )

The second way keeps track of an index in the sequence of items, increasing it every time __next__() is called, and raises StopIteration when the index goes beyond the range of items. In the second way, you can implement a method that resets the index so that the iterable can be used again.

class Fibo:
    def __init__( self ):
        self.seq = [1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55]
        self.index = -1
    def __iter__( self ):
        return self
    def __next__( self ):
        if self.index < len( self.seq )-1:
            self.index += 1
            return self.seq[self.index]
        raise StopIteration()
    def reset( self ):
        self.index = -1

fseq = Fibo()
for n in fseq:
    print( n, end=" " )
for n in fseq:
    print( n, end=" " )

The third way has the iterable not as a container of items, but as a calculator that every time that __next__() is called, determines the next item. Such an iterable can either be finite, or have the ability to supply an infinite number of items. It can also be reset if the programmer supplied a method to do that.

class Fibo:
    def reset( self ):
        self.nr1 = 0
        self.nr2 = 1
    def __init__( self, maxnum=1000 ):
        self.maxnum = maxnum
    def __iter__( self ):
        return self
    def __next__( self ):
        if self.nr2 > self.maxnum:
            raise StopIteration()
        nr3 = self.nr1 + self.nr2
        self.nr1 = self.nr2
        self.nr2 = nr3
        return self.nr1

fseq = Fibo()
for n in fseq:
    print( n, end=" " )
for n in fseq:
    print( n, end=" " )


You have to be very careful when making an iterable that in principle may return an infinite number of items. Programmers count on for … in … never leading to an endless loop, but in the example above, without limiting the number of items to a maximum of 1000 when creating the fseq object, an endless loop would result. It is best to force the programmer to set a maximum to the number of items.

Create an iterator that generates all the squares of integers between 1 and 10. You may choose whichever approach you prefer.

Delegated iteration

In the examples above, the iterable was created by calling the __iter__() method for the object, which returned itself. That is not needed. An iterable may delegate11 the iteration to another object, that it creates and returns when __iter__() is called.

class FiboIterable:
    def __init__( self, seq ):
        self.seq = seq
    def __next__( self ):
        if len( self.seq ) > 0:
            return self.seq.pop(0)
        raise StopIteration()

class Fibo:
    def __init__( self, maxnum=1000 ):
        self.maxnum = maxnum
    def __iter__( self ):
        nr1 = 0
        nr2 = 1
        seq = []
        while nr2 <= self.maxnum:
            nr3 = nr1 + nr2
            nr1 = nr2
            nr2 = nr3
            seq.append( nr1 )
        return FiboIterable( seq )

fseq = Fibo()
for n in fseq:
    print( n, end=" " )
for n in fseq:
    print( n, end=" " )

This approach has several advantages:


You can create tuples that contain the items of multiple iterables using the standard function zip(). To give a simple example:

z = zip( [1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9] )
for x in z:
    print( x )

A zip-object is an iterator, i.e., you cannot print the zip-object itself, but you have to loop over its elements instead. The \(i\)th element of the zip-object consists of the \(i\)th elements of each of the iterables that are its arguments. If these iterables are of unequal length, the number of elements in the zip-object will be the same as the number of elements of the shortest of the iterables.

In the example above, I just used lists as arguments. But you can use any kind of iterable as argument. For example, the following code block I zip together a range, an iterator, and a list comprehension:

class Doubles:
    def __init__( self ):
        self.seq = [2*x for x in range( 1, 11 )]
    def __iter__( self ):
        return self
    def __next__( self ):
        return self.seq.pop(0)

seq = zip( range( 1, 11 ), Doubles(), [3*x for x in range(1,11)])
for x in seq:
    print( x )

Create a zip-object that produces tuples of two items: the first item is an integer, which runs from 1 to 10. The second item is the square of that integer.


The built-in function reversed() creates an iterator from an iterable that processes the items of the iterator in reversed order. It gets the iterable as argument.

Not all iterables can be reversed, but the ones that are part of the standard Python specification (such as lists) can. For details on how to make sure that iterables that you create yourself can be reversed(), study the Python documentation.

fruitlist = ["apple", "orange", "cherry", "banana"]
for fruit in reversed( fruitlist ):
    print( fruit )


The built-in function sorted() creates an iterator from an iterable that processes the items of the iterator in sorted order. It gets the iterable as argument.

Moreover, it can get two optional arguments. The first is key=<key>, where <key> is the name of a function that is used to determine the key for the sorting process. This works exactly as the key=<key> parameter for the list sort() method – see Chapter 13 for more information. If no key is given, the sorting is alphabetical order for strings, and numerical order for numbers. For other data types, or mixed data types, it depends on the specification of the key argument.

The second optional argument is reverse=<boolean>, that indicates with True or False whether or not the sorting should give a reversed result.

fruitlist = ["apple", "orange", "cherry", "banana"]
for fruit in sorted( fruitlist ):
    print( fruit )
  1. The name “delegated iteration” I came up with myself. If there is an “official” name for the approach, I gladly update the book. 2